Italian - Polish Aerospace Forum 2024
The Italian-Polish Aerospace Forum is aimed to create a strong Italian-Polish Aerospace value chain.
The event includes a conference with industry experts and a matchmaking networking session with all companies participating at the event.
The forum is hosted by the Italian Embassy in Poland, with the support of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Poland, as well as the Italian Trade Agency. The Italian-Polish Aerospace Forum is a unique opportunity to build a network of contacts in the industry and acquire new business partners.

Hotel Belotto, Warsaw, Poland


This exhibition is Japan's largest general aerospace exhibition, together with major Japanese and foreign companies, government agencies, embassy officials, and industry players.
Havacılık, uzay ve savunma teknolojisi için üretim, işletme ve MRO gibi geniş bir yelpazedeki alanların yanı sıra UAM ve karbonsuzlaştırma gibi yeni alanları tanıtan çok çeşitli sektörlerden şirketler sergi açacak.
JA2024 will be held from October 16 thru 19, 2024, at TOKYO BIG SIGHT in Japan.
Tokyo Big Sight, West Exhibition Hall, Tokyo, Japan.