Wide areas coordination
Emergency situations occurring over large areas are very difficult to manage. Coordinating operations is challenging when rescuers are far from each other and communication is compromised.
Wildfires spread very quickly and require speed of action to prevent the spread of fire. In case of forest fire, rescuers using iFalconHM can benefit from geo-localization and simultaneous viewing capabilities, which enhance coordination during interventions across extensive areas. This technology allows for the sharing of vital video footage and information, facilitating more effective response efforts.
Wide areas coordination

Emergency situations occurring over large areas are very difficult to manage. Coordinating operations is challenging when rescuers are far from each other and communication is compromised.
Wildfires spread very quickly and require speed of action to prevent the spread of fire.
case of forest fire, rescuers using iFalconHM can benefit from a geo-localization and
simultaneous view that enables improved coordination during
intervention covering wide areas, while sharing important video
and information.